Bacon Caramel

May 21, 2006

This was sort of a joke, but it was executed seriously to prove my culinary prowess and strange ability to pair food flavours in an unconventional way.  I would really like to concoct more things like this as I felt like a kid in a laboratory and I guess in a sense, I am one.

Bacon and bourbon would be a fantastic, albeit heartbreaking breakfast food.  I'd probably become an unemployed lush quickly if I consumed this daily, and then I'd have no budget to explore booze in the way I do now, which would give me shaky hands and a clear mind.  I can't have that.

You'll need a few things before even thinking of doing this.  A candy thermometer, silicone spatula and a deep Pyrex baking dish are essential, and if you don't have them all then you'll risk a mess of sugar everywhere which will piss someone off.


  • 2/3 pkg side bacon
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 3-4 oz bourbon or maple syrup
  • Optional – Toasted almonds

Fry up your bacon so it's nice and crispy.  Then, in a separate but deep saucepan, combine everything else except for the bourbon and cream over high heat stirring well.  Keep stirring until  you're at  240°F.  Things will be frothy and bubbling so remove it from heat and slooowly add in the heavy cream while stirring. 

Put the pot back on the stove and stir in your bourbon very quickly so that the cream does not curdle.  Heat back up to 245°F (or higher if you would like harder candy) and then pour into a deep Pyrex dish.  Immediately afterward, add bacon and toasted almonds.

Allow to cool for at least 3 hours, and cut into squares for serving.  Disclaim friends and consider signing a waiver against liability over increased insurance premiums and dental bills.

bacon caramel

7 Responses to “Bacon Caramel”

  1. fdask Says:

    CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANDY! This looks delicious. Bacon, Bourbon, whats not to like!

  2. […] + maple syrup (or bourbon!) + butter and sugar = Bacon Caramel. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]

  3. […] time ago, Nicole on Slashfood wrote a post challenging anyone brave enough to make some Bacon Caramel, and did a pretty good job of selling it – pointing out successful well known savory-sweet mixes, […]

  4. tammy Says:

    Very nice information. Thanks for this.its great to see someone with a like mind.

  5. jenny Says:

    I just found your blog on the google search engine and saw a few of your other posts that you had done . I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the great work. i will Look forward to reading more from you again.

  6. JK Says:

    The bacon caramel looks delicious! Quick question though — how far in advance can they be prepared for a party?

  7. breakfast foods should always be high in protein and also in carbohydrates, we need food energy during the early morning ~-;

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